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Femilog – Menopause Health Tracker

How to do squat exercises

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Did you know that pelvic floor exercises such as squats strengthen the muscles around your bladder, bottom, and vagina. If you exercise and strengthen your pelvic floor muscles it can help urinary incontinence, treat pelvic organ prolapse, and even make sex better.

How to do the exercise:

Squeeze the pelvic floor muscles without tensing the abdominal muscles, buttocks or thighs.

Squeeze at the rectum as if holding a fart. Do not suck your stomach in or breathe.

  • Hold on to a pinch for 5-10 seconds
  • Feel free to make 10 pinches.
  • Take a break and make 10 more.
  • Remember your squeezing exercises daily

If you can not feel your cramps at first, do not worry. When the pelvic floor becomes strong again, you will feel that you are pinching. So be patient.

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